HomeHealth & Life StyleNutrition and exercise are helpful in relieving Depression, know how they affect...

Nutrition and exercise are helpful in relieving Depression, know how they affect mental health

Depression is a serious problem that can completely spoil your mental health. If left untreated, it can be fatal. In such a situation, people try to manage it in many ways. If you are also troubled by the problem of depression, then you can manage it with the help of nutrition and exercise.

Lifestyle Desk, New Delhi. Depression is a mental problem, which is troubling many people these days. In such a situation, when depression is confirmed, people take the help of a psychiatrist or mental health expert and take various types of therapy to overcome it. There are many types of therapy to get relief from a problem like depression, but apart from this, you can also deal with this problem with the help of some other things.

Nutrition and exercise are two such things, which can work like a therapy for depression. Although some people may feel that it has nothing to do with mental health, the truth is that both nutrition and exercise play a very important role in mental health. Let’s know how-

How effective nutrition and exercise are in Depression

Depression cannot be cured by consuming a particular diet or food, but a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, complex carbs improves brain functioning and helps deal with depression.

Carbs provide glucose and energy to the brain, which promotes the production of the feel-good hormone serotonin. This refreshes the mood. However, avoid eating unhealthy carbs. Choose healthy carbs such as whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

The amino acids that make up protein help make neurotransmitters in the brain, such as the feel-good hormone serotonin is made from an amino acid called tryptophan. Dopamine is a feel-good hormone, which is made from an amino acid called phenylalanine. In this way, protein helps in the production of hormones that make a person feel good and remove depression.

Rich Diet

For a healthy brain and better mental health, it is also very important to take a diet rich in omega three fatty acids, because the body cannot make it on its own and it is available to the body only through food. Therefore, fatty acid rich diet also helps in dealing with depression.

Nutrition and exercise are helpful in relieving Depression, know how they affect mental health

Similarly, exercise also acts as an anti-depressant for depression. Exercise prevents many diseases like diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart attack, but along with all these, it also improves mental health.

While exercising, feel-good chemicals called endorphins are produced in the body, which improve mood. The positive results obtained after exercising also remove depression and seeing good physical health, mental health also improves.



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